SBI Internship Application

North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation

Fields in BLUE are required

Personal Information


Have you ever been arrested, detained or convicted of a crime?:  
Have you ever possessed or used an illegal drug?:  

Social Media

Do you have any of the following social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Reddit:  

Internship Preferences

Note: application deadlines are as follows:
  • Fall semester - May 1
  • Spring semester - October 1
  • Summer semester - February 1
You may apply for the next semester after the current one has closed.

Full Time/Part Time:  


School Information

Internship Course Credit:  


NOTE: the following formats are accepted for the attachments PDF, DOC, DOCX, JPG, PNG, TXT.  Total attachments cannot exceed 15MB.

If you have questions about these attachments, please refer to the instructions for the internship application.








The information I have provided on this application is correct and true to the best of my knowledge.  I am aware that knowingly providing false information on this document could result in immediate rejection of my application.  

Is 8 = 6 ? (true/false)