Private Residential Home Invasions

Private Residential Home Invasions
SBI District: Southern Piedmont
Case Description: Two home invasions occurred on September 5, 2000 within 30 minutes of each other in the northern part of Cabarrus County near the Rowan County line.
In one invasion, the suspect pulled up beside the house where the family normally parked and walked up the front steps. The victim came to the door and spoke to the suspect who asked if a particular individual was there, and the victim said no. The suspect then asked if he could use the phone and the victim said no. At this point, the suspect forced his way inside, forced the victim to the kitchen floor, and held a gun to her head stating he was going to kill her. The victim's children were in the house which surprised the suspect, and he ran away. The victim was able to call 911 and provided a detailed description of the suspect and his vehicle.
The suspect was a white man between 30-35 years old, with a neatly trimmed mustache and was otherwise clean-shaven. He had little body hair. He was about 6'2'' with a heavy build. The suspect was last seen wearing a black ball cap with a "3" on it. He was dressed in a black tank top, black shorts with pockets and the crotch split open, white leather tennis shoes, and white crew style socks.
The suspect was driving an early 1990's model Toyota Extended Cab Pick-up truck, medium to light gray color, which may have a dent in the passenger side door about the size of a bowling ball, and there was possibly a tool box in the back. The truck was clean but not waxed. There was an unknown tag hanging from the rearview mirror which did not appear to be a handicap tag.
If you have information about this case or any unsolved case in North Carolina, please contact the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, (800) 334-3000.